Welcome to CIIC | 400-889-4545

A financial group company

Since June 2014, CIIC started to provide personnel agency service to 800 employees of a financial group corporation. The service then expanded from 50 major cities to nearly 200 cities nationwide, due to the business development of the client. At the same time, CIIC provided professional consulting services to assist the client with nationwide labor inspection, land tax audit, and occupational injury annual audit. The average daily number of people being serviced is around 150. The number of cli...

Engineering Cosmetics/Luxury Accessories

A foreign bank

Since July 2007, CIIC started to provide personnel agency service for the client. In the past ten years, it helped client to set up independent accounts in 28 cities nationwide with corresponding services. At the same time, CIIC also provided multi-city onsite service to assist HR in internal communication and service, ensuring the timeliness and effectiveness of the HR work. In addition, CIIC provided other extended services such as special working hour application service, the national post su...

Engineering Cosmetics/Luxury Accessories